All Natural Scottish Salmon – Raised by the same farmers that produce our Organic* Irish salmon, this Scottish salmon is of the highest quality. The salmon is served an all-natural feed, free of hormones and antibiotics, and contains natural phaffia (a naturally occurring yeast pigment which provides the salmon’s color). This salmon has an incredibly generous fat content.
All Natural Atlantic Salmon, B.C.
Irish Organic* Salmon, Deep-Ocean Raised – Our meticulous Irish farmers go to great depths to raise a very lean, very clean organic* salmon; raised in an environment closest to the wild as possible. These salmon are raised in the rough, white-capped, pristine waters of the Irish Channel just outside of
Each is delicious in its own way. It is up to the individual to discover which variation in oil content, flavor, and texture will result in a favorite variety of salmon.
*The Irish salmon are certified by Naturland of Germany – an agency recognized by the USDA. It is considered organic everywhere but in the state of CA which does not recognize any organic seafood certifications.