Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Methods for Cooking in 2010

Tips and Tricks for Low-Fat, Low-Calorie Cooking
You can lose the weight and keep the flavor. Use these preparation methods to skip the fat:
  • Steam those veggies instead of sauteing them
  • Replace side dishes with low fat grains that provide great proteins sources to boost energy, like quinoa or lentils
  • Skip the cream based soups and sauces, try a leaner options like using Kanaloa's homemade fish stock to pack taste while lightening up any dish
  • Boil, broil, bake, or grill instead of frying!
  • Try using one of our varieties of grape seed oil by Salute Sante! They make a great alternative to fatty vegetable or peanut oil.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Scrounging for some last minute holiday recipes and ideas to complete your holiday feast? Not to worry, Kanaloa is here to save the day!

Seafood for a Crowd- an article written about cooking with seafood for Christmas. Offers great and unique alternatives to the "typical" Christmas menu, and useful tips and tricks. Definitely check this out!

Seafood Feast
- this site does a great job of breaking down the steps, menu, and planning into a easy to follow guide. A good place to start or get suggestions on preparing for your event.

Looking for a Dish to Share?- have you been asked to bring a dish to a holiday party this year? Cook to impress! Whether it be co-workers, family, or friends, this site has great recipes that will surely make you the talk of the new year. This site is impressive, it's devoted entirely to seafood appetizers!

For those of you on the ball- We get it, you are organized, have planned ahead, and already have a pretty good idea of what you and your guests will be eating this Christmas. Make sure to check out this site, we may provide you with the food and fantastic recipes, but these guys have creative tips and tricks for your party.

Last Minute Crunch- Ahhhh! Freaking out? We've said it once, and we'll say it again: Kanaloa has easy recipes, delicious seafood, and useful staff to help you out. Call ahead or come on in, we would be happy to help make Christmas entertaining as painless as possible.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Holiday Specials ... Time is Running Out

2009 Holiday Specials - order this week for Thanksgiving pick-up!
Call Santa Barbara at (805) 966-5159 or Napa at (707) 224-FISH for more information and to place your order.

Homemade Seasonal Specialties
Whole Dungeness Crab - Cooked, Cracked, and Cleaned ...... Market Price
Bouillabaisse - add your own seafood from a plethora of choices ..... $12.95 per quart
Gravlox ..... $10.95 per 4oz
Kanaloa Crab Cakes ..... $7.95 each
Whole natural salmon boneless butterfly (no stuffing) ..... $12.95 per pound
Whole natural salmon stuffed with bay scallops, bay shrimp, and spinach ..... $15.95 per pound
Kanaloa Crab Cakes ..... $7.95 each

Party Platters
Smoked Fish Platter includes smoked black cod, scallops, salmon, and trout pâté ..... $94.95
Sashimi Platter includes two pounds of Kanaloa sushi grade fish (ahi, albacore, and izumidai) ..... $ 144.95
Jumbo Shrimp Platter homemade cocktail sauce with two pounds of jumbo shrimp..... $ 71.95
Smoked Salmon Platter full of Scottish lox, capers, onions, and dill sauce..... $107.95

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kanaloa Forging the Way to Sustainable Seafood

Kanaloa helps international seafood sustainability movement. Last month Kanaloa Seafood owner, Don Disraeli, attended an international symposium that brought together multiple stakeholders dedicated to providing the global seafood supply chain with innovative new ideas on sustainability. Don represented Kanaloa Seafood Market amongst a group comprised of individuals from highly respected organizations such as the United Nations Food and Agriculture Administration, World Wildlife Fund, Marine Stewardship Council, United States National Marine Fisheries Service, US Department of Agriculture, the Namibia Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Marine Harvest Canada, Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization, Kona Blue Water Farms, and Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Kanaloa Seafood Market is the only seafood wholesaler/retailer/processor to be owned by accredited scientists. Don and Randee Disraeli continue to demonstrate the importance of creating a comprehensive environmental program through Kanaloa’s commitment to complying with the international business standard, ISO 14001. With advanced degrees from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the Disraelis take a scientific approach to sustainable seafood that helps Kanaloa stay at the forefront of creating innovative business practices and insuring top-quality, environmentally-responsible seafood.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Crab Seasons Are Open!

In honor of the opening of Dungeness and Alaskan Red King crab seasons I thought it would be fun to share some information about these fisheries. Dungeness crab and Alaskan Red King crab are members of the Order Decopoda that also includes crayfishes, lobsters, prawns and shrimp – species all united by the shared characteristic of having 10 legs. Decopods are members of the subphylum, Crustacea, found within the phylum Anthropoda. In other words, these are delicious animals with lots of legs to munch on and a protective shell!

To view a great NPR slideshow on California Crabbers click here:

Dungeness Crab in California

Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister)

Distribution: Coastal intertidal zone to 170 meters deep. Commonly found north of Santa Barbara to Alaska (Habitat range does extend south to Magdalena Bay, Baja)

Length of Season: November through February

Type of Fishing Gear Used: Pots baited with herring, squid, or clams. Pot size and number of pots per vessel are regulated. There are also escape holes for undersized crab.

Fishery Regulations: Female crabs are not allowed to be harvested (they are thrown back), and only males over 6.25 inches in diameter may be kept. The duration and timing of the season avoids critical growth and molting periods in the Dungeness crab biological life cycle. However, individual fishing quotas are not issued and this results in a “derby” style fishery with intense pressure on crabbers during the first few weeks of the season. Since the Dungeness crab fishery is one the last well-managed, healthy fisheries in California; it is also one of the most popular, competitive, and now the most dangerous fishery.

Regulatory Agencies: The federal government allows the states of California, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska to manage the Dungeness crab fisheries off each respective coast.

Fishery Status: The Dungeness crab fishery started in San Francisco in 1848, and regulations similar to those used today were established in the early 1900s. Crabbers in the early days of the fishery were limited to male crabs larger than 6 inches and the season was closed during the fall molting period. Wide fluctuations (data collected since 1950) of Dungeness crab populations are not caused by fishing intensity, but rather by ocean conditions such as temperature, food availability, and ocean currents.

Alaskan Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)

Distribution: Alaskan Red King Crabs live at depths between 40-200 meters from British Columbia to Japan with Bristol Bay, Norton Sound, Petrel Bank, the Pribilof Islands, Kodiak Island, and northern Southeast Alaska being the centers of its abundance in Alaska.

Length of Season: Very short, on the order of days to a few weeks in November.

Type of Fishing Gear Used: Pot gear is used and vessels are limited to a certain number of pots. Although pot gear can damage rocky sea-bottom habitat, the effects are lessened in sand and silt bottoms – where Alaskan Red King crabs are caught. Additionally, Alaskan Red King crab pot gear has been modified to reduce bycatch through the use of escape panels, and rings have been added that reduce ghost fishing (when lost gear continues to trap or catch marine life).

Fishery Regulations: There are restrictions on the minimum size and sex of crab (only large males over 6.5 inches wide can be harvested) and the type and amount of gear that can be used on each vessel.

Regulatory Agencies: The federal government (National Marine Fisheries Service) and the state of Alaska (North Pacific Fishery Management Plan).

Fishery Status: Alaskan Red King crab is currently not overfished and areas that have experienced overfishing or excessive by-catch in the past are currently closed. Like the Dungeness crab fishery, allowing only large males to be harvested insures that males reach reproductive maturity and reproduce before they are removed from the population. Additionally, fishery managers have implemented several programs to conserve the species, improve crabbers’ safety, and insure economic stability for dependent coastal communities. These programs include:

- The Crab Rationalization Program decreases fishing capacity (in terms of the number of vessels fishing in Alaska) through the creation of a limited access system that allocates specific quantities of crab (includes Red King and Tanner crabs) to harvesters, processors, and coastal communities. By eliminating the derby-style fishing, crab boats can fish for reasonable lengths of time with more rest because they know they are allotted a certain amount of crab each season. The Alaskan Sablefish (Black cod) and Halibut fisheries are already managed similarly.

- The Crab Buyback Program started in 2004 with the goal of encouraging a reduction in fishing capacity by paying crabbers to relinquish fishing vessels and licenses. NOAA (the Federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) paid fishermen for their vessels and licenses in order to increase stock conservation and end overfishing.

- The Crab Community Development Program allocates 10% of the total allowable catch to the Crab Community Development Quota Groups for the purpose improving the economic status of Western Alaska villages. By giving these communities an opportunity to invest in fisheries, local economies develop and diversify leading to the creation of social benefits and alleviating poverty in these remote areas.

Sources: California Department of Fish and Game, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Public Radio, Sunset Magazine

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Organic Irish Salmon is Back

With Irish Salmon back on the board it seems like a good time to review the differences between our three responsibly farmed types of salmon that we carry at Kanaloa Seafood Market. We receive many questions about our seafood, but the most common is, “what is the difference between your salmons?”…and rightly so. Kanaloa carries several species of gorgeous farm-raised salmon. These include our organic Irish variety and all natural Scottish and Atlantic salmon. Our fish is from the very best salmon farmers in the world and hand picked for Kanaloa in order to insure that the product is fresh, safe, and delicious!

All Natural Scottish Salmon – Raised by the same farmers that produce our Organic* Irish salmon, this Scottish salmon is of the highest quality. The salmon is served an all-natural feed, free of hormones and antibiotics, and contains natural phaffia (a naturally occurring yeast pigment which provides the salmon’s color). This salmon has an incredibly generous fat content.

All Natural Atlantic Salmon, B.C. Canada – This Atlantic salmon is head and gills above other Atlantic salmons you may have seen and is truly a great product. Due to our environmental certification, we source from only a select few farmers in Canada who are doing a wonderful job raising Atlantic salmon with no hormones, no antibiotics, and no artificial dyes. The texture on this salmon is very silky and decadent.

Irish Organic* Salmon, Deep-Ocean Raised – Our meticulous Irish farmers go to great depths to raise a very lean, very clean organic* salmon; raised in an environment closest to the wild as possible. These salmon are raised in the rough, white-capped, pristine waters of the Irish Channel just outside of Clare Island, surrounded by secure nets; the salmon are constantly monitored by camera and SCUBA divers and are served an organic feed free of hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics. Like the Scottish salmon, this salmon is fed phaffia which provides the salmon with its color. This is truly a pristine, lean fish with a texture and color most similar to a wild salmon.

Each is delicious in its own way. It is up to the individual to discover which variation in oil content, flavor, and texture will result in a favorite variety of salmon.

*The Irish salmon are certified by Naturland of Germany – an agency recognized by the USDA. It is considered organic everywhere but in the state of CA which does not recognize any organic seafood certifications.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Weekend Specials

This weekend we will be featuring Crab Cakes and Salmon en Papillote!

The Kanaloa Crab Cakes are a customer favorite. If you have not tried them yet be sure to come by Friday afternoon or early Saturday - they will go fast!

Salmon en Papillote is a beautiful serving of salmon, julienne vegetables, and lemon-caper sauce wrapped in parchment paper. Bake in the oven for 12 minutes and dinner is served.

These items are always available for pre-ordering for any event, please order at least one week in advance.
Santa Barbara: (805) 966-5159
Napa: (707) 224-FISH

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oyster shuckers gather to compete and crown their champion -- latimes.com

Oyster shuckers gather to compete and crown their champion -- latimes.com

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Thank you for visiting the Kanaloa Seafood Market Blog! We are very excited to offer a new form of communication with our customers. In this blog you will find recipes based on current specials, educational information on fishing and seafood, and updates on local events. We will be providing ideas and information for both the Napa and Santa Barbara areas.

Most importantly, Kanaloa would love to see your recipes and feedback about our fish. If you make a beautiful dish with Kanaloa Seafood feel free to post a picture.

Thanks again for visiting - check in regularly for weekly updates!


The Kanaloa Seafood Market